
Capturing the Pacific Northwest: Why Seattle Photographers Need Insurance

Seattle and the broader Pacific Northwest offer stunning landscapes and vibrant city scenes perfect for commercial and event photography. However, the region’s unpredictable weather and bustling urban environments pose unique risks. Here’s why having comprehensive insurance is essential for Seattle-based photographers, especially those covering events and commercial projects.

The Unpredictable Weather of the Pacific Northwest

Seattle’s weather, characterized by sudden rainfalls and occasional storms, demands preparedness to protect expensive photography equipment. Here are some weather-related risks to consider:

  • Rain and Moisture: Frequent rain can damage sensitive photography gear. Having insurance that covers water damage is crucial to avoid costly repairs or replacements.
  • Changing Conditions: Fast-moving weather systems can transform a planned outdoor shoot setting, leading to potential equipment hazards.

The Urban Setting Challenges

Seattle’s vibrant urban centers and scenic venues are ideal for photography but come with challenges such as:

  • Theft Risks: Urban settings mean higher risks of theft. Busy public spaces can be particularly risky when carrying high-value equipment.
  • Crowded Events: From tech conferences to music festivals, the density of people increases the risk of accidental damage to your equipment.

The Role of Photographer Insurance 

With these considerations in mind, insurance becomes not just beneficial but necessary. Here’s how the right insurance policy helps:

  • Weather-Related Damage: Insurance policies covering damages from severe weather conditions give peace of mind, knowing that rain or storm won’t result in unbearable financial losses.
  • Theft Protection: Good insurance provides coverage for equipment theft, ensuring that you can replace stolen items without jeopardizing your business.
  • Accidental Damage: In bustling event environments, accidents happen. Coverage for accidental damage helps manage these risks financially.
  • Liability Coverage: If someone gets injured as a result of your equipment setup, liability insurance protects you from legal and medical costs.

Coverage for Accessories and Props

  • Supplementary Equipment: Ensure that your policy extends to props, additional equipment, and rented gear, which are all pivotal for event and commercial photographers.

Real-Life Scenarios

Consider you’re covering a corporate event in downtown Seattle. Despite precautions, a sudden downpour damages your high-end cameras. With a comprehensive insurance policy, you can handle this setback by claiming repairs or replacements quickly.

Or imagine during a bustling tech conference, your tripod is knocked over, damaging both your camera and a visitor’s personal belongings. Liability and equipment insurance would cover the damages, saving you from significant out-of-pocket expenses.

Choosing the Right Policy

When selecting an insurance policy, keep in mind:

  • Coverage Specifics: Make sure the policy addresses the risks unique to Seattle, like weather and theft.
  • Policy Limits: Ensure the limits are high enough to cover your most expensive equipment.
  • Flexibility and Extras: Opt for policies offering additional protections like rented equipment coverage and liability for large crowds.

For photographers in Seattle and the Pacific Northwest, investing in robust insurance coverage isn’t just a safety net—it’s an essential part of your business toolkit. By choosing the right insurance, you ensure that neither rain nor the unexpected actions of a crowd can put a damper on your creative and financial pursuits.

Secure your gear, secure your career. Explore comprehensive insurance options like RVNA Pro Photographer Insurance to ensure you’re covered from the lush landscapes of the Cascades to the bustling streets of downtown Seattle.

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From Sunsets to Studios: Why Florida Wedding Photographers Need Liability Insurance

Picture this: You’re in a bright, bustling daylight studio in Miami, setting up for a high-profile wedding shoot. The bride glides by, radiant and excited, when suddenly she trips over the backdrop, injures herself and damages your 10×10 foot scrim. Your dream shoot turns into a potential legal and financial disaster. This is where general liability insurance becomes saves the day, shielding you and your business from potential lawsuits and medical bills.

What is General Liability Insurance?

General liability insurance is your safety net against lawsuits stemming from bodily injury, property damage, personal injury, or advertising injury. As a professional wedding photographer in Florida, working in diverse environments like wedding venues, studios, beaches, and gardens, makes this coverage essential.

What do the key coverages of Photographer Liability Insurance protect?

  • General Liability or Public Liability: Imagine a guest trips over your gear and gets hurt. This coverage takes care of medical expenses and legal fees, so you can focus on capturing beautiful moments.
  • Property Damage: Your equipment accidentally damages a venue’s property. No worries—this coverage ensures you’re not footing the repair bill.
  • Personal Injury: Protects you against claims of defamation, libel, or slander. Vital for those who market their services and might face advertising disputes.
  • Advertising Injury: Covers you if someone claims you’ve infringed on their copyright or trademark. Given the creative nature of photography, this is a critical safeguard.

Are there Additional Liability Coverages beyond the basics?

Photographer insurance varies widely from carrier to carrier, but the following coverages can be essential depending on the needs of a particular Wedding Photographer. At Pro Photographer’s Insurance we offer the following optional coverages as add-ons when a photographer purchases our Liability Insurance.

  • Hired and Non-Owned Auto: If you rent a vehicle for a shoot and an accident occurs, this coverage protects you from liability.
  • Medical Payments: Covers medical expenses for injuries sustained by third parties on your premises or during your operations, regardless of fault.
  • Damage to Premises: If your lighting setup causes a fire in a rented venue, this insurance covers the damage.

Unique risks where Liability can make or break a photographer’s business

The cost of annual Liability Insurance is minimal compared to the risks Florida photographers can be exposed to. General liability insurance offers significant value, letting photographers focus on their art without the concerns of potential legal and financial fallout. One added benefit of annual Liability insurance includes free, unlimited Certificates of Insurance for clients or venues who require proof of insurance or even request to be added as an Additional Insured on your policy, often the day before a scheduled shoot.

Fast, Streamlined, and Responsive Customer Service

When choosing an insurance provider, their responsiveness and support are crucial. Look for stellar reviews from other photographers like this review a satisfied wedding photographer wrote for Pro Photographer’s Insurance by RVNA:

“These people do good work. I’m a wedding photographer and sometimes need Certification of Liability Insurance forms to send to wedding venues last minute. I email them what I need and they usually have the document I need within 24 hours. This is my second year using them so far and I’m satisfied with their responsiveness and help.” —Michael A

RVNA’s level of service ensures professional photographers get the documentation they need swiftly, allowing them more time to focus on the art of photography. Pro Photographer’s Insurance also offers DIY Certificates of Insurance, so photographers can add unlimited Additional Insureds 24/7 at no cost and email the COI in minutes to a venue or their client.

Photographer Liability Insurance is a no brainer

Successful Wedding Photographers know General liability insurance is indispensable. Did you know even if you are based in Florida, photographer insurance travels with you to any wedding or event you shoot no matter which state. By securing the right coverage, you can confidently navigate Florida vibrant wedding photography scene and any other state you find yourself traveling to.

Have Questions about Photographer Insurance?

Call us at 1-800-364-2433. We understand a photographer’s business and can discuss in detail the various coverages and provide customized suggestions that are best for your photography business.

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Bride and Groom running near dusk

From Napa to Malibu: Why Insurance is a Must for California Wedding Photographers

California ranks among the top states for weddings, with nearly 220,000 weddings held annually. This vibrant market presents a wealth of opportunities for wedding photographers but also comes with unique challenges and risks. Ensuring comprehensive insurance coverage is crucial for photographers looking to safeguard their business and provide peace of mind to their clients.

The Unique Challenges of Wedding Photography in California

California’s diverse landscapes offer stunning backdrops for weddings, from the vineyards of Napa to the beaches of Malibu. However, these varied settings also pose unique challenges. Photographers must be prepared for unpredictable weather, rugged terrains, and the high expectations of clients looking for perfect wedding shots in picturesque locations.

What Types of Coverage are Essential for Wedding Photographers?

While insurance needs can vary widely from photographer to photographer here are three essential coverages professional wedding photographers should have:

  1. General Liability Insurance: The #1 Choice for wedding photographers is General Liability. Photographer General Liability, sometimes referred to as Public Liability Insurance, protects against bodily injury claims or property damage claims. For example, a guest tripping over equipment, or accidental damage caused by a photographer at the wedding venue.
  2. Replacement Cost Equipment Insurance: Camera and Equipment Insurance is the #2 most popular coverage for photographers. What to look out for: Make sure Equipment insurance covers replacement cost! More Essential Features of Equipment Insurance should include:
    • No Per Item limit – If you have a single item like a camera worth $10K, you don’t want your equipment insurance to limit a single item and only cover $5K of your $10K camera.
    • Rented and owned equipment: Photographers rent lights and other equipment all the time. Make sure this option is checked to cover any equipment in your possession even if it’s just for one day.
    • Covers all Business Equipment: Great equipment insurance not only safeguards expensive gear from damage, theft, or loss, but also safeguards laptops, monitors, and other business office equipment as well.
  3. Professional Liability Insurance: Professional Liability, also known as Errors and Omissions Insurance covers photographers for professional mistakes and negligence. This insurance is crucial for instances like technical failures resulting in missed shots.

Real-Life Claim Scenarios

  1. Equipment Damage at a Beach Wedding in Malibu: A rogue wave damages a photographer’s camera! With replacement cost equipment insurance photographers are covered to repair or replace their damaged camera for a new one.
  2. A Guest Tripping Over Gear at a Napa Vineyard Ceremony: General liability insurance covers medical expenses and legal fees arising from the incident.
  3. Missed Shots or Technical Failures During Crucial Wedding Moments: Professional liability insurance helps cover costs associated with reshooting or compensating the client.

The Financial and Professional Benefits of Having Insurance

Insurance provides financial protection, ensuring photographers aren’t burdened with out-of-pocket expenses from unforeseen incidents. It builds trust and credibility with clients and offers peace of mind, knowing that potential risks are covered.

How to Choose the Right Insurance for Your Photography Business

When looking at different options for photographer insurance, it’s important to compare policies from different providers. Equally important is being able to speak with a representative by phone. It’s essential to have a responsive company that is easy to reach by phone when you’re under the gun. Google Reviews are a great indicator of how other photographers feel about their insurance.

For example check out this review from Pro Photographer’s Insurance by RVNA. This review is just one of 1,200+ reviews. We have an average 4.9/5 rating, with over 30+ years experience ensuring photographers.

These people do good work. I’m a wedding photographer and sometimes need Certification of Liability Insurance forms to send to wedding venues last minute. I email them what I need and they usually have the document I need within 24-hours. This is my second year using them so far and I’m satisfied with their responsiveness and help. —Michael A.

Tips for Maintaining and Maximizing Your Insurance Coverage

  • Photographers should regularly update their insurance policy to reflect new equipment and changes in business operations.
  • Document and report a claim promptly.
  • Understand the claims process and keep detailed records.

Comprehensive insurance is essential for California wedding photographers, offering protection against various risks. By securing your business, you can focus on capturing the best moments without worrying about potential mishaps.

Ensure your business is protected year-round, at every event, on-location, and in the studio for as little as $99/year.

Questions? Call us at 1-800-364-2433.

Our representatives located in California, Texas, and Ohio are experts in Photographer insurance. Did you know we created our exclusive A+ Rated Photographer Insurance, which is backed by Allianz Global. With over 20+ Optional coverages, we can assist you in customizing photographer insurance tailored to your specific needs.

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Choosing the Right Photographer Insurance: RVNA vs. The Competition

At a Glance: Why RVNA Pro Photographer's Insurance Excels

Benefit RVNA Pro Photographer's Insurance Other Photographer Insurance
24/7 Claims Filing
No Per-Item Limits
Owned and Rented Equipment Coverage
Entirely Customizable Coverage
Office Equipment Coverage Included
Responsive and Knowledgeable Support

In Detail: Why RVNA Stands Out from Other Photographer Insurance

Choosing the right photography insurance is crucial for safeguarding your equipment and ensuring your business operations run smoothly. This blog explores the various features of photography insurance, detailing the pros and cons to help you make an informed choice.


  • RVNA: Direct Claim Filing Anytime
    Policies like those from RVNA Pro Photographer’s Insurance allow photographers to file claims directly 24/7, bypassing the need for preliminary claims through homeowner’s insurance. This speeds up the process and simplifies claims handling.
  • Other Insurance: Homeowner’s Policy First
    Many association-provided insurances require claims through your homeowner’s policy before they engage, which can delay payment and cause frustration.


  • RVNA: No Per-Item or Aggregate Limits
    RVNA Pro Photographer’s Insurance offers insurance where if you choose a $10,000 coverage limit, it covers up to that amount even if it’s just for one high-cost item like a camera.
  • Other Insurance: Capped Per-Item Limits
    Other photographer insurances often have per-item limits that may not cover the full value of expensive professional gear, potentially leaving significant gaps in coverage.


  • RVNA: Covers Owned and Rented Equipment
    RVNA Pro Photographer policies have an option to cover both owned and rented equipment. This is essential for photographers who frequently rent additional equipment for shoots.
  • Other Insurance: Exclusion of Rented Equipment
    Many policies exclude rented equipment, which can be a major drawback for professionals who need special equipment for specific projects.


  • RVNA: Completely Customizable Coverage
    RVNA offers customizable photographer insurance specific to the needs of each photographer. with RVNA Photographers pay only for the coverage they need, not for coverage they don’t need.
  • Other Insurance: Fixed Coverage Packages
    Other insurance requires fixed packages that force photographers to buy unnecessary coverages, increasing the overall cost of coverage.


  • RVNA: Responsive and Knowledgeable Support
    Having access to responsive, reliable, and knowledgeable support staff is a significant advantage, ensuring that photographers can get help when they need it most.
  • Other Insurance: Poor Customer Service
    Unfortunately, many insurance providers offer limited support, with staff who are often unreachable or lack specific knowledge about photographers’ unique insurance needs.


  • RVNA: Comprehensive Equipment Coverage
    RVNA covers all equipment necessary for running a photography business, not just cameras but also laptops, drives, and even office equipment and protects photographers even in cases of fire, flood, or hurricane.
  • Other Insurance: Limited Definition of Equipment
    Other insurers narrowly define “equipment” which can lead to inadequate coverage for professional needs.


  • RVNA: Free, Unlimited Additional Insureds
    RVNA offers unlimited Additional Insureds at no cost. With our DIY policy management system, photographers can add and manage Additional Insureds and email Certificates of Insurance instantly.
  • Other Insurance: Extra Charges for Additional Insureds
    Other insurance providers charge for Additional Insureds and/or do not have the option to add Additional Insureds online. Combine this with staff that is unresponsive, this makes it difficult when photographers get last minute requests for a venue to be added to their policy and send proof with a COI.


  • RVNA: Cost-Effective Annual Coverage
    Annual coverage options often provide more value and extensive protection compared to short-term policies, especially for professional photographers with three or more shoots per year.
  • Other Insurance: Expensive Short-Term Coverage
    Short-term or single-event insurance might seem convenient and low-cost initially but usually comes at a much higher cost and with limited benefits.

Understanding these pros and cons will empower you to choose an insurance policy that best fits your professional needs and budget. With the right insurance in place, you can focus more on capturing great images and less on the potential setbacks.

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Hurricanes, High Winds, and Heists: Why Florida Photographers Need Camera Equipment Insurance

Florida, known for its stunning sunsets and pristine beaches, harbors a less glamorous reality for photographers: the threat to your camera equipment including laptops, lights, and lenses. In the Sunshine State, where weather can turn volatile, tourists crowd every corner, and relentless heat prevails, safeguarding your livelihood becomes paramount. This is where gear insurance steps in.

The Hazards of Paradise

Hurricanes: A hurricane’s power can inflict catastrophic damage. Imagine your entire studio swept away – laptop, lights, backdrops destroyed. Protect your equipment when nature unleashes its destructive force and damages your camera equipment.

Tropical Storms: With high winds and flooding, your valuable cameras and lenses risk being submerged or damaged beyond repair.

Theft: Tourist hubs are magnets for thieves. Don’t be left empty-handed if your backpack vanishes from the shoreline.

What’s Covered by RVNA Pro Photographer Camera Equipment Insurance?

A comprehensive insurance policy for photographers extends beyond the basics, typically covering:

Accidental Damage: From clumsy mishaps to unforeseen spills, insurance acts as a financial safety net.

Global Protection: While Florida beckons, what if your next assignment takes you elsewhere? Ensure your gear is shielded no matter where your lens focuses.

Liability: Mishaps on shoots are inevitable. Liability coverage shields you if your gear causes harm or damage. Weighing Cost against Catastrophe

Yes, insurance comes with a price tag. But consider the alternative. Without adequate coverage, a single natural disaster or a momentary lapse in attention could translate into significant replacement expenses. Can your photography business weather such a blow?

Safeguard Your Passion

Photography is your craft, and your gear, your arsenal. Investing in insurance isn’t just prudent; it’s the key to preserving your ability to capture those unforgettable Florida moments.

Don’t wait for calamity to strike. Buy Online today and fortify the future of your photography endeavors. Find out more about RVNA’s Camera Equipment Insurance.

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Camera Equipment Insurance: Why it’s Essential Insurance for New York Photographers

New York City, the city that never sleeps – a hub of artistic energy and creative hustle. Whether you’re shooting iconic skyline panoramas, intimate wedding moments, or cutting-edge commercial work, your camera equipment is your livelihood. Unforeseen accidents, theft, or damage can cripple your business. That’s where camera equipment insurance comes in.

More Than Just Gear

Equipment insurance for photographers shouldn’t just include camera gear such as camera bodies, lenses, lights, scrims, and backdrops. Working photographers also need insurance that covers laptops, monitors, printers, and other office equipment, equipment that’s expensive to replace.

What Does Camera Equipment Insurance Cover?

The best camera equipment insurance policies in NYC provide the following:

  • Theft and Accidental Damage: Protection against loss or damage to your equipment from external incidents beyond your control – your lens cracking on the subway, your camera taking a coffee spill from a distracted client.
  • Fire and Weather: New York weather can be a rollercoaster. From torrential rain to sweltering heat, it’s insurance that safeguards your expensive investment against nature’s whims.
  • Worldwide Coverage: Many policies offer coverage not just within New York but around the world – essential for New York based photographers with gigs that take them outside city limits.

The Perks of a Photographer-Focused Insurance

Insurance designed for photographers goes beyond basic camera gear. It often includes:

  • Liability Coverage: Protects you financially if someone is injured or their property is damaged during your photoshoot.
  • Rented Equipment Coverage: Extends coverage to rented gear, providing extra peace of mind when trying out high-end equipment.

Types of New York Photographers Who Need Insurance

If you’re a photographer in New York, chances are you need this specialized insurance. Here’s why:

  • Wedding Photographers: Emotions run high on the big day, so does the risk of your gear catching an unintentional bump.
  • Portrait Photographers: Your studio holds valuable props, lighting, and backdrops. Protect your livelihood if anything happens.
  • Commercial Photographers: Expensive lighting setups, a crew bustling around…accidents are bound to happen on set.
  • Freelance & Hobbyist Photographers: Even if it’s not your primary income, protecting your gear gives you peace of mind and financial protection.

Choosing the Right Policy

When hunting for a policy, keep these factors in mind:

  • Value of Your Equipment: While RVNA Pro Photographer’s Insurance doesn’t require a photographer to itemize their equipment, it’s important to know the overall value, so you know how much insurance you need.
  • Your Work Environment: Outdoor shoots in crowded spaces as well as controlled studio settings both have their own set of issues. While it’s essential for a working photographer to have equipment insurance, many photographers also find it important to have Liability Insurance to help protect them from injuries and the high costs of possible lawsuits or medical bills.
  • Additional Extras: Think about the ‘specialized’ insurance such as faulty stock, negative film, or props coverage—RVNA Pro Photographer Insurance has over 22 optional coverages to meet the needs of all types of photographers.

Don’t risk having a creative setback ruin your dreams – Secure Your Gear, Secure Your Career

New York photography is a high-stakes game. Camera equipment insurance lets you stay focused on what you do best, capturing the essence of this vibrant metropolis and state. Let RVNA Pro Photographer insurance empower you to create, explore, and take those jaw-dropping shots without fear.

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Resources for Photographers

Looking to connect with other Photography and Videography industry professionals? These are just a few of the many associations established to provide education and networking opportunities to all types of photographers and videographers.
  • American Photographic Artists | Learn More
  • American Society of Media Photographers | Learn More
  • American Society of Picture Professionals | Learn More
  • Alliance of Visual Artists | Learn More
  • Editorial Photographers | Learn More
  • International Association Of Architectural Photographers | Learn More
  • International Association of Professional Birth Photographers | Learn More
  • North American Nature Photography Association | Learn More
  • National Press Photographers Association | Learn More
  • PhotoImaging Information Council | Learn More
  • Professional Photographers of America | Learn More
  • Photographic Society of America | Learn More
  • Professional Women Photographers | Learn More
  • Stock Artists Alliance | Learn More
  • Women In Photography International | Learn More
  • White House News Photographers Association | Learn More
  • Young Photographers’ Alliance | Learn More
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Photographers: Here’s What You Need to Know About Subcontracting

As you’ve probably noticed, the photography business is staffed by plenty of subcontracting arrangements. However, if a session results in a lawsuit, your exposure and risk can greatly vary depending on your subcontracting status. There are two important rules to keep in mind.

Rule 1: From an insurance point of view, an employed photographer is one that must be supplied with equipment in order to perform the photo shoot at the venue. An independent contractor photographer is one that has his or her own equipment, and does not have to be supplied with equipment by the insured photographer. Insurance coverage only protects the insured photographer and its employees. It will not provide defense or judgment coverage to a subcontractor or independent contractor.

Rule 2: When purchasing insurance, an accurate photographer count is essential. If a claim occurs and it is discovered that there are more photographers working for you than reported on the policy, the insurance company will deny coverage based on misreporting of photographers, and you’ll have no protection.

Below are two examples of these rules in action

Rule 1 example – Subcontractor loses her business
A-One Photography had a family portrait session scheduled for Thursday night. When owner Jon Andersen received a request to work a wedding at the same time, he hired subcontractor Angela Pederson Photography to work on his behalf, covering the wedding under the A-One Photography company brand.

While Angela was working the wedding, she went out onto the floor to snap some spontaneous shots. Unfortunately, an elderly guest doing the electric slide didn’t see her and knocked into her. The guest ultimately fell to the ground and broke his hip. He subsequently sued A-One Photography and Angela Pederson Photography for damages of $350,000. The court determined that it was a contributory loss. A-One Photography was responsible for $125,000 because the company had hired Angela Pederson Photography to work on its behalf. Angela Pederson Photography was held liable for $225,000 of the loss.

A-One Photography’s liability insurance policy provided defense and judgment coverage for A-One Photography, but not Angela Pederson Photography as she was a subcontractor and should have had her own liability insurance policy. Furthermore, A-One Photography had purchased liability insurance for only one photographer, so even if Angela had exclusively worked for A-One Photography as an employee, the coverage wouldn’t apply due to inaccurate reporting. As a subcontractor, Angela had assumed she would be protected by A-One Photography’s policy. Because she had no liability insurance, Angela became personally responsible for her portion of the loss. Needless to say, it was financially devastating.

Rule 2 example – Help has unintended consequences
Frank Ryan’s photography business was booming. To help meet demand, Frank subcontracted Vern Miller to work for his company exclusively. Frank thought it was the ideal situation – he could grow without hiring and paying payroll taxes.

One night, Frank and Vern both had family portrait sessions. They knew Vern’s event was going to be lively – he was shooting a large family reunion. All was going according to plan until one of the aunts tripped on a camera cord and injured her back. She slipped a couple of discs and was out of work for several months.

Although Vern had worked the event, Frank was sued for $300,000 because Vern was working on behalf of Frank’s business. In the eyes of the insurer, the exclusive subcontracting arrangement made Vern an employee. During the claim investigation, it was discovered that Frank’s business had two photographers when he had only purchased coverage for one. The insurance carrier denied coverage on the basis of mis-reporting the correct number of photographers. In the end, it was determined there was no coverage and Frank’s business had to pay the $300,000, which sent him and his business into a financial tail spin.

How can you avoid these costly situations?

  1. If you work as a subcontractor, secure your own liability insurance. In the first scenario, Angela could have avoided a $225,000 bill if she had her own liability policy.
  2. If you hire subcontractors, obtain a Certificate of Insurance from the subcontractor as proof of liability coverage. A liability limit of $1,000,000 or more is recommended.
  3. Regardless of whether you have subcontractors or employees, make sure you purchase insurance to cover the correct number of photographers. If you don’t, your insurance may not protect you as intended.

Need coverage for your business?

The RVNA Professional Photographer’s Insurance Program, exclusively available through R.V. Nuccio and Associates provides everything you need in one convenient place: Liability Plus, Property Plus, and Crime Plus Insurance. Underwritten by one of the largest property and casualty insurance groups of the world, this tailored package provides specialized “A” rated protection. Endorsed by the National Alliance of Special Event Planners, R.V. Nuccio and Associates is the only online nationwide insurance source for photographers offering the most customized protection at the most competitive rates.

Note: These examples are based on real claims scenarios. However, the details have been fictionalized to protect the privacy of those involved.

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